Sunday, 7 May 2017

Collection of things painted lately.

So I've painted my first two tau of a new army for 8th. I've played them since 2009 and not played them since 5th edition so I missed out on them being good hahaha. I've bought and sold Tau armies like 4 times. I will not sell this one though, I'm on to a winning scheme it's easy to paint and looks quite good. It is inspired by the milita from Titanfall the video game series.

I am working on some elite looking infantry dude primarily first for shadow war games! Here are 2 guys in the same scheme that will join the guy above, a little bit appleseed inspired but hey aren't Tau the faction for anime freaks like me?!

I think the leader will look bad-ass with his bonding knife and dual pulse pistols on his back, massive pulse carbine, grenades and ridiculous helmet.
I finished painting my Farsight conversion finally. Check it out.

The Tau writing on the shield is directly copied from the official minis, but the scrolls read "suck my balls"
I also have repainted the eyes on my sculpted orlock leader for necromunda.

Friday, 24 March 2017

Gangs of Commorragh

Here are some pics of my Gangs of Commorragh gang. I don't know whether to call them 'Death Spiral' or 'Spiral Death' no idea but I'd like to call them one of the two.

Friday, 3 March 2017

Scratch built Orlock leader now painted

I finished the paintjob on the figure i sculpted for necromunda. My painting skills are still kind of weak, that coupled with the not quite perfect sculpt on the face led me to really mess up the eyes but I sought of pulled it together somehow so that it looks tabletop worthy. To be honest I'm just happy that it is good enough to blend in with the other minis from a safe distance, this means I can field the mini. If it wasn't good enough to field I would be really upset as I put alot of hours into this guy.

Monday, 20 February 2017

Sculpted Orlock Gang leader for necromunda

I have done a scratch build for my Necromunda Orlock gang, The guns and hands are plastic bitz but everything else is sculpted. The boltgun is green which is confusing but it was painted green funnily enough, I did however convert it a bit with some green stuff to fix the magazine.