I played my first 24 point Fleet sized game of Orions The rules can be found here for free! . I had played a smaller game of 12 points already but this was going to be alot bigger as my force rocked in with a Capitol ship, a battle ship, a cruiser and 4 fighter squadrons. The cube in the centre represents blocking terrain but also the player with the most units within 3" of it come the end of the game would earn an additional 6 Victory Points (House rule) Otherwise victory points would be attained for enemy units destroyed, more expensive units earning more victorypoints.
My opponent needs a disclaimer, she was very under the weather with a slight fever and also had what she described as "The worst game of dice rolls in my whole life!". Her fleet consisted of 3 battleships, 2 cruisers and 2 figher squadrons.I began by moving my squadrons up the left side of the board then she moved hers towards the centre.
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3 of my 4 squadrons. |
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Plucky cruiser (very startrek voyager looking) opens fire to get things going. |
In the cruiser phase I used my warpdrive to quickly move my cruiser near to the space station and fire my deckguns at the enemy squadrons but missed. The enemy cruisers then took cover in a nebula. Next my battleship moved up to the right behind an asteroid field to back up one of my squadrons and took fire with its plasma cannon at one of the cruisers doing 1 point of damage to it.
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The brave crew of the battleship 'dead-dwarf' fire at the enemy fleet half destroying one enemy ship |

TURN 2: (I should have gone first again in each phase but mistakenly instructed my opponent to do so)
The enemies squadrons moved to the nebula on the left side of the board and then 3 of my squadrons moved to intercept them 2 of my squadrons engaged but failed to take out the enemy then my 3rd squdron successfully took out the enemy squadrons (must be starbuck in one of those vipers!?)
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Gundam squad enters the nebula, gets on the 6 of the enemy y-wings but totally wiffs. |

My capitol ship unloads all of its weapon batteries,deck guns, canons, missiles and totally punsihes the enemy flagship doing 3 points of damage!! It then launches a mine at it (tokens are mines) daring it to come closer next turn.
My squadrons totally swarmed an enemy battleship getting on its tail and blasting it but although their marksmanship was perfect none of them manged to damage the much larger spacecraft. Then my cruiser failed to hit the enemy flagship then warped to safety.

All my fighter squadrons tailing the enemies smaller battleship continue to harrass it, but do even worse then previously not even hitting home with most of their fire.
Next my cruiser narrowly failed to blow up the enemy flagship but then my battleship succeeded where the cruiser failed by unleashing a hail of missiles that penetrate it and set off a chain of explosions and venting the crew into space that were not burned alive ..mwuahaha. The same missile cluster also does a point of damage to the far less damaged battleship next to it within the nebula
It responds by leaving the nebula to get behind my cruiser doing one point of damage to it then warping back into the nebula. My Capitol ship then rams the enemy battleship on the other side of the board , both take a point of damage in the collision but then the capitol unleashed its cannon fire doing a further point of damage, A worthy attempt but not enough to destroy the vessel!
So my opponent was ill and kept forgetting to use half of her special rules or components, also I feel this led her to kind of make bad choices as she was tired. She had a component that forced re-rolls which would have been a game changer as it was not just her rolling terribly that affected the game but I conversely rolled the best dice I ever have in any tabletop outing hahahah. For my part I think a capitol ship is a must have in a 24 point game as although they are 12 points its only going to die if the enemy focuses on killing it and it alone. I went very offensive with my loadouts which gave me awesome firepower whereas my opponent leaned heavily on defensive components which was a poor decision (when you are rolling bad rolling fewer dice just compounds lack of hurt you can put on people). I love squadrons but the were pretty useless against anything bigger than a cruiser but that is nice and thematic. I won 18Vps against my opponents 0vps. I killed a battleship (6VPs) 2 cruisers (4Vps) 2 squadrons (2Vps) and won the objective of securing the spacestation (6Vps). My opponent didn't focus her fire on any ships but shot at what was closest or giving her the most stress whereas I focused my smaller ships on attacking her smaller ships and everything else on taking down one battleship at a time, which for all my great rolling only killed one battleship but I severly damaged the other 2. This game has no scenarios yet but as you can see is very solid and allows for scenarios to be put in with ease as we did. You could just as easily make a scenario more complex than this such as, there is a fleet of civillian ships (or one V.I.P ship) that has firepower and needs protecting. Or a simple breakthrough mission of a mission where each fleet perhaps has a refuleing fleet that they need to protect whilst trying to destroy the enemies fuel ships.
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